K. MuraliK. Murali (KM) is currently a full Professor at the Department of Ocean Engineering, IIT Madras. KM is internationally well known for his work on the application of computer models in ocean hydrodynamics and non-conventional energy research using fluid-structure interaction applications. He is a winner of several research grants from various governmental and non-governmental bodies, mainly in the offshore industry, such as Austraining International Pty Ltd (Australia), National Science and Technology Board (Singapore); National University of Singapore; Naval Research Board (India), National Institute of Ocean Technology (India); ICMAM (India); Indian Space Research Organization (India) etc.  To his credit, he was also a member of the team winning the IBM-Blue challenge in 2002 and Best paper awards in 15th APD-IAHR Congress and OSICON ’09.  Recently, his B.Tech student received ClassNK award for his work on innovative damping of moon pool oscillations.  All the projects led by KM have been completed in time. KM has guided several postgraduate level researchers as detailed below. Also, he is a part of the consortium, which is managing the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree - Euro Aquae from 2003.

Research Guidance: Post Doctoral Guidance: 3; Ph.D Guidance: 10; M.S (by research)Guidance: 10; Erasmus Mundus Master guidance: 5; M.Tech. guidance – Several; B.Tech. guidance – Several.

KM specialises in hydrodynamics and wave structure interaction.  In his endeavour to standardize viscous calculations in marine hydrodynamics, KM initiated an exercise on standardization of application of CFD for ship hydrodynamics and offshore applications through a project sponsored by Naval Research Board [DNRD/05/4003/NRB/45], India, with an objective to provide guidelines to solve day to day marine hydrodynamic problems using CFD.

The salient achievements of KM are listed below in terms of publications, research grants, research guidance and awards won.

Publications in Refereed Intl. Journals: 34; Publications in International Conferences: 51; Publications in Refereed National Journals: 2; Publications in National Conferences: 11.


Professor K. Murali

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India

Email: murali@iitm.ac.in

+91-44-2257 4816 (Off), +91-44-2257 6816 (Res)
